If You Can't Be Confident, Be Courageous

Mar 12, 2020

We all struggle with confidence now and then.  I remember being a new leader and feeling excited and limitless.  I was so ready to be a great manager and enjoy my higher salary and benefits.   And then I was almost immediately hit with a moment of panic wondering "Can I really do this?".  All of a sudden the flood gates opened of "What if I don't know enough?", "What if I mess up?", "What if they find out I am not good enough?".  I look back now and am completely certain that my employers made the right decision even if I was not yet, "good enough".  The truth is we always have an opportunity for growth and development- even as experts.  So, if you are a new leader feeling thoughts of self doubt or an experienced leader finding yourself in an unfamiliar situation; just show up as your best self.  If you show up from a place of care, with a serving mind and an openness to learn; it truly will not matter what you don't know yet.  If you can't find the confidence yet, just find the courage and confidence will come. 


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